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i n f o r m a t i o n s





     For the instalation of PPPStatus, you will need the following


     Instalation is very simple, as you can see above:

PPPStatus~$ make
* become root
PPPStatus~$ su
PPPStatus~# make install

*Instalation Complete*

Configuration File

     PPPstatus uses two methods for default configurations changes: pppstatus.cfg, and flags      The configuration file (pppstatus.cfg) is interpreted, followed by the flags. In case your're using flags, it will be the method used by pppstatus, because the interpretetions of the configuration file will only be overposted by the used flags. (only the used ones) There are two paths for pppstatus.cfg:

.pppstatus.rc Variables

     Here are they: interface, video, speed, high_contrast, user_email

Interface: PPPStatus watches * interface (* can be ppp0, ppp1, ppp2 ...)
Video: Choose between Vga (colored) and mono (black and white)
Speed: Interaction speed beetween the graphic and the conection
Bytes_info: You can see the data received/trasmited as Bytes, Kbytes or Mbytes
User_email: check the user email



     runonboot makes your life much easier because PPPStatus will be autolaunched, saving your time and leaving it in whatever terminal you want. One privilege developed for Slackware, Red Hat or Debian Linux users.


     Understanting the flags

Flag -t : you specifies the terminal you want pppstatus runs on boot (You'll probably want to put a tty that doesn't work as a terminal) The most commons examples are the terminals 8 to 12.
Flag -d : you specifies your linux distribution so the program can update all the new data in the right places

     In case you're using slackware distribution and wants to run PPPstatus on tty 12, do the following:

~$ runonboot -d slack -t 12

     In case you use the runonboot remember that the configuration file (pppstatus.cfg) is on (/var/log), just like the log file (pppstatus.pppX.MM-YYYY.log)

X means Interface number (1,2,3,4,...), MM the month and YYYY the year.

Gabriel Montenegro    Hosted by SourceForge